> 硕士课程论文 > 2288字硕士课程论文媒体与传播研究:电影是应对问题的有效媒体





1.0Introduction 介绍

电影业在世界上已经存在很长一段时间了。电影已成为人类业余生活中最重要的部分之一。既然电影能在某种程度上取悦人们,那么越来越多的人选择在星期天去看电影来消磨时间。随着电影业的发展,电影中使用了越来越多的先进技术来表达演员的想法或女演员的感受。电影可以是一种表现人类互动的有效和有问题的媒介。一方面来说,电影可以在很大程度上代表人与人之间的互动。电影是表达人们思想的媒介之一。电影中的对话和场景可以使观者感觉到一切都在现实中发生,这是非常有效的传输表达。事实上,一个人是社会最基本的单位,人与人之间的互动使社会得以形成。另一方面,电影中的意识形态也可以代表人与人之间的互动。本文的这部电影可以反映人与人之间的相互作用是非常重要的(亚瑟,2003)。因此,有必要对影片进行详细的分析,以更深入地了解电影与人的互动。本文主要从性别和城市1个方面对这一主题进行详细的阐释。The film industry has existed for a long period of time in the world. The film has become one of the most important parts in the spare time of human beings. Since film can amuse people to some degree, more and more people choose to see a film on Sundays to kill the time. With the development of the film industry, more and more advanced technology has been used in the film to express the ideas of the actors or the feelings of the actresses. The film can be an effective and problematic medium for representing human interaction. On one hand, film can represent the interactions between human beings to a great extent. The film is one of the media that can express the thoughts of people. The dialogues and the scenes in the film can make the watchers feel that everything is happening in reality, which is very effective. In fact, one person is the most fundamental unit of the society, and the interactions between human beings have enabled the formation of the society. On the other hand, the ideology in the film can also be problematic in representing the human interactions. The film can be important for reflecting the interactions between human beings(Arthurs, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the film in detail to understand the film and the human interactions more deeply. The essay will mainly analyze the Sex and City 1 to interpret the topic in detail. 

2.0电影中的意识形态2.1意识形态的定义2.2电影思想的反映3.0电影 - 性与城市与人的互动3.1性与城市简介3.2人类互动的概念3.3电影是一种有效的媒介3.4电影可能是一个有问题的媒介2.0The ideology in a film2.1The definition of the ideology2.2The reflection of the ideology in a film3.0The film—Sex and the City and the human interaction3.1 The brief introduction on the Sex and the City 3.2 The concept of human interactions3.3 The film is an effective medium3.4 The film can be a problematic medium


The film is a kind of social media to amuse people in daily lives. With the development of the technology, the human interactions become more and more complex. The film can show the ideology in several aspects to a great degree. As has been referred in the above, the ideology can be various from one person to another or one film to another film. The film is one way to reflect the ideology of human beings. The film—Sex and the City is very typical in the upper class lives. The depiction of 4 white women with higher education is very vivid and gorgeous. There are many discourses and interactive behaviors in the film, so it is useful to analyze this film in detail to decide whether the film is an effective medium or a problematic film in representing the human interactions. The human interactions can be interpreted as the human communications(Daniel, 2010). The analysis of the film that can represent the human interactions may make a contribution to the development of the harmony in society and in the world. The essay in the above has discussed the main idea in detail. To conclude, the film is an effective and problematic medium for representing human interaction.  5.0Reference 文献