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2011-5-9 急需一份机电一体化专业毕业设计(大专),至少要20页, 2011-3-12 建筑类毕业设计摘要怎样写,200字左右 2012-5-16 麻烦英语大大神帮忙翻译下~~毕业设计的摘要 2011-8-18 求翻译 毕


2011-5-9 急需一份机电一体化专业毕业设计(大专),至少要20页, 2011-3-12 建筑类毕业设计摘要怎样写,200字左右··· 2012-5-16 麻烦英语大大神帮忙翻译下~~毕业设计的摘要2011-8-18 求翻译 毕业设计的摘要 遇着难题了。。。。 2011-5-24 跪求毕业设计的摘要帮忙英文翻译(不要机器翻译)基于基线向量的GPS控制网数据处理 摘   要独占一页;论文题目用小二号黑体字、居中;“摘要”用三号黑体字、居中;正文用小四号宋体字。关键词用小四号黑体字、居左顶格、单独占行,关键词之间用分号间隔。摘要是论文内容的简要陈述,包括论文之中的主要信息,具有独立性和完整性,中文摘要在前,400字左右。关键词:GPS控制网;平差处理;控制点;基线向量;误差椭圆 ( 论文全文页面设置:A4纸,上2.5cm,下2.5cm,左2.5cm,右2cm。页眉1.5cm,页脚1.75cm,1.5倍行距,标准字符间距。西文、数字等均采用Times New Roman字体。) Data  Processing  of  GPS  Control  Network  Based  on  Baseline AbstractThe satellite positioning technology of Global Positioning System(GPS) is widely applied in survey, engineering construction, navigation, astronomy, communication and many other areas. The quick development of GPS technology have been already made huge change to topography area, the basic theories of GPS Satellite Positioning and the relevant problem of GPS Satellite Positioning in application having been the most important and essential content of topography area. If you want to built diversified control net by GPS Positioning technology serve for engineering, that needs to process the raw data that gets by surveying. The data processing conclude data preprocessing , calculating GPS baseline、processing and calculating the accuracy, etc. Keywords: GPS Control network; Adjustment processing; Reference point; Baseline; Error ellipse( 独占一页;采用Times New Roman体字。论文题目用小二号加粗、居中;“Abstract”用三号加粗、居中;正文用小四号。关键词用小四号加粗、居左顶格、单独占行,关键词之间用分号间隔。外文摘要内容应与中文摘要完全对应。)