> 硕士毕业论文 > 30631字硕士毕业论文农村小学英语阅读教学研究








The primary school is the primary stage of life education, enlightenment stage is also in the process of knowledge of life, can be said that the relationship between the primary stage is direct for life learning beliefs and learning habits. Primary school compulsory education as the education of our country public products, but also the implementation of our education is the foundation of the foundation of the implementation of the link; especially in rural primary school, because of the characteristics of regional economic and cultural level of the rural primary schools in the development process of China\'s contemporary education system, showing the serious lag, promote the optimization of contemporary countryside primary school teaching in China to enhance effectiveness is put in the inevitable choice of China\'s education system reform front. With the rapid development of modern economy, the trend of global economic integration gradually strengthen the role of English in the process of international communication reflects is more and more obvious, and also strengthen the English education system in China\'s contemporary education status. At the same time, with the further deepening of the new curriculum reform, English Teaching in elementary school is becoming obvious reflect about. With the requirements of China\'s contemporary new curriculum as the goal, to strengthen the ability of listening and speaking in English teaching process, is the inevitable choice to improve the contemporary situation of English Teaching in china.In the course of the study, this paper considers the present situation of English Reading Teaching in rural primary school as the research object, the concrete show of Hunan rural primary school for the real case study, through the analysis of the current situation of English Reading Teaching in Hunan primary school, the author found that the main teaching methods, the lack of scientific teaching content, classroom atmosphere, lack of interest the homework arrangement is not reasonable, the teaching mode of the serious problems, combined with the author for the relevant research literature and reading analysis, combined with their own experience, the author puts forward the corresponding improvement strategy for Hunan rural primary school in the English reading process, in order to promote the optimization of present situation of the teaching of English reading in Rural Primary School of Hunan. At the same time, this study also aims to strengthen in other areas of our rural primary schools and related institutions to enhance the importance of English reading teaching, the English Reading Teaching in the optimization strategy of construction to provide some reference suggestions, so as to improve the English reading level of small schools in rural areas in China to enhance the comprehensive.Keywords: English; reading; teaching evaluation; teaching results 


一、绪论 1(一)研究背景 1(二)研究目的及意义 1(四)国内外研究现状 2二、概念界定及理论基础 6(一)概念界定 6(二)英语听说教学理论研究 6三、研究方案设计 8(一)研究思路 8(二)研究对象 8(三)研究方法 8四、湖南农村小学英语诵读教学现状调查反馈分析 9(一)英语教师调查问卷分析 9(二)学生调查问卷分析 12(四)初步取得成就分析 14(五)现状问题分析 15(六)现状问题成因分析 16五、优化农村小学英语诵读教学策略 20(一)优化标准及目的 20(二)优化策略 20结束语 28参考文献 29附录 32


(一) 研究背景“基于历史、自然条件等因素,农村地区不仅仅在经济上发展迟缓,其教育基础十分薄弱,导致了贫困地区的居民素质普遍较低,教育的落后性又对社会与经济的可持续发展造成长期的负担与拖累,造成贫困农村教育产出低效的实际局面。小学义务教育作为教育类公共产品,已然是贯彻“百年大计,教育为本”的基本环节之一,中央及地方政府对教育逐年增加的财政支出,在结构上一直是偏重于农村地区,但支出总量上的刺激力度、结构上的不合理以及对应教育监管机制设计问题,仍然制约了我国教育尤其是农村初等教育的发展。两基教育在全国范围内的普及,其中,英语课程学习对于农村小学来说更是初等教育的薄弱环节,进一步来看,小学英语素质教育如何在农村地区巩固一直都是教育聚焦的难点所在,如何在完成了城乡免费义务教育之后,实现农村小学英语教学尤其是基础农村小学英语诵读的提高?如何改善制约教育发展的落后教育理念?如何不断改善我国长期以来就存在的教育顽疾---教育内容的陈旧问题与以“填鸭式”为主的老套式教育方式,真正贯彻实现素质教育?这些问题的解决都与农村义务教育高度相关,而农村小学英语教学中尤其是英语诵读教与学水平的提高显然是农村英语素质教育的主要标志之一,农村小学英语教育水平的提高则能进一步体现出农村初等教育质量的质的提高。 




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